Crazy Chicken Island

Crazy Chicken Island

Monday, December 10, 2007

1st TIME~!!!!!! ^o^

Icha Hereee~!!

can u believe that..??!!
from all the ppl here, i'm the only one who hasn't posted anything... ><;
well.. i'm gonna post sumthin now..

at the moment i'm in the skul..
nungguin di jemput, sambil maen internet..
(lumayan cepet lho internet nya^^)

dah lammmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bgt gk ngenet(kayaknya)

n guess what, waktu lg buka2 pic,
i found jejung pic wearing a same shirt as I Am~!!!!!
(not exactly same)

here's the pic..

it's a code combine shirt.
jejuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggg LOOOOOOOOOVEEEEEEEEEE UUUUUU~!!!

so happy dah balik lagi CINTAnya ke jeje...
sooooryyy jeeeeee...
n k'chika, once again we have to SHARE...


see thisss..??!!!
yeahhh the hottest couple at the moment,,
nope, not yunho donghae..

aaww... they look happey aren't they... OxO

arrgghhhhhhhhhhhh... i'm soooo upset~!!
i still cant't believe it~!!
SM tuuh bener2 dah dukung mereka yachhh...><;
masa sampe di MV Only Love aja ampe di beduain~~~~~

well, what can i do..
just wishing they have a good time (NNNNNOOOOOOOOTTT)

okey then that's enough for the first time..
i'll try 2 b back l8er...


Sunday, December 09, 2007


hoiiii minna~

ko blognya sepiii???? pd kemana aja? xDDDD

pipeeee~ long time no see~ huhuhu

sayaang..tgl 15 gak jd ketemuan~ T.T
pada sibuk yaaa...

trus jadinya kapan ketemuan?? pengen poto2 niiy~

eniwey kawann..
saia sedang naksir cowo fufufufu~ mirip jeje xDDD~
kalo mau blog saia aja xDD
namanya YooJoon personilnya I the Tri Top ^^
boyband korea baru~
uh uh kinda like to see ilGoon YooJoon memenangkan hati xDD
masi seumur changmin..

sama satu lagi..
Nakajima Yutto xDDD
back to Joniz world...
jadi inget pertama liat Yutto pas jd backdancernya Shuji x Akira, saia n icha sempet ngobrol..
saia : yaolooh~ dedek kecil itu...mukanya takky bgt! cammpuran Takky, YamaPi sama Jun!
icha : iyaaah~ wah calon2 nih..tipenya om joni bgt kaenya xDD
saia : hu'uh xDD
kita sempet mikir jg mungkin dia ituh Elite barunya om jonis... xD facenya itu looh...kaenya paporitnya om joniz banget...
jadi inget..sempet liat performance Yutto di Joniz Junior Concert..yg ada Kattun ama News...
sampe stylenya aja dibedain dr yg laen..hummm...kalo saia flashback lagi, dulu jg kan Takky, Yamapi di News, dan Jun di Arashi jg selalu ditonjolin n dibedain outfitnya...
hmmm....Yutto~ aset barunya Johnny Kitagawa kah??

abis baca Yunno, Junsu, Yucun dikirimin message ama AntiFans jg...
jadi eting bacanya~

aaahh~ saia akan berhenti rambling lah xDDD
mau maenn~ xDD

i see you guys soon! i hope~! xDD

Us ;;

My photo
CrazyChicken Island, Crazy Country
We're Crazy! Love Chicken, n the cutter! Love F.T.Island~ also TVXQ! (coz the cutter from there) lol. K-Pop J-Pop! Arashi~ <3333333 LOVE U ALL! <33 =]